:py:mod:`httpstan.app` ====================== .. py:module:: httpstan.app .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Helper function to launch httpstan server. Configure the server and schedule startup and shutdown tasks. Module Contents --------------- Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: httpstan.app._warn_unfinished_operations httpstan.app.make_app Attributes ~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: httpstan.app.EventLoopPolicy httpstan.app.logger .. py:data:: EventLoopPolicy .. py:data:: logger .. py:function:: _warn_unfinished_operations(app: aiohttp.web.Application) -> None :async: Warn if tasks (e.g., operations) are unfinished. Called immediately before tasks are cancelled. .. py:function:: make_app() -> aiohttp.web.Application Assemble aiohttp Application. :returns: assembled aiohttp application. :rtype: aiohttp.web.Application