Source code for httpstan.schemas

import numbers
import typing

import marshmallow
import marshmallow.fields as fields
import marshmallow.validate as validate

[docs]class Operation(marshmallow.Schema): """Long-running operation. Modeled on `operations.proto`, linked in """ name = fields.String(required=True) metadata = fields.Dict() done = fields.Bool(required=True) # if `done` is False, `result` is empty, otherwise an `error` or valid `response`. result = fields.Dict()
[docs] @marshmallow.validates_schema def validate_result(self, data: dict, many: bool, partial: bool) -> None: assert not many and not partial, "Use of `many` and `partial` with schema unsupported." if data["done"] and data.get("result") is None: # pragma: no cover raise marshmallow.ValidationError("If `done` then `result` must be set.", "result") if not data["done"] and data.get("result"): # pragma: no cover raise marshmallow.ValidationError("If not `done` then `result` must be empty.", "result")
[docs]class Status(marshmallow.Schema): """Error. Modeled on ``google.rpc.Status``. See """ code = fields.Integer(required=True) status = fields.String(required=True) message = fields.String(required=True) details = fields.List(fields.Dict())
[docs]class CreateModelRequest(marshmallow.Schema): """Schema for request to build a Stan program.""" program_code = fields.String(required=True)
[docs]class Model(marshmallow.Schema): name = fields.String(required=True) compiler_output = fields.String(required=True) stanc_warnings = fields.String(required=True)
[docs]class Data(marshmallow.Schema): """Data for a Stan model."""
[docs] class Meta: unknown = marshmallow.INCLUDE
[docs] @marshmallow.validates_schema def validate_stan_values(self, data: dict, many: bool, partial: bool) -> None: """Verify ``data`` dictionary will work for Stan. Keys should be strings, values must be numbers or (nested) lists of numbers. """ assert not many and not partial, "Use of `many` and `partial` with schema unsupported." def is_nested_list_of_numbers(value: typing.Any) -> bool: if not isinstance(value, list): return False return all(isinstance(val, numbers.Number) or is_nested_list_of_numbers(val) for val in value) for key, value in data.items(): if isinstance(value, numbers.Number): continue # scalar value elif not is_nested_list_of_numbers(value): raise marshmallow.ValidationError( f"Values associated with `{key}` must be (nested) sequences of numbers." )
[docs]class CreateFitRequest(marshmallow.Schema): """Schema for request to start sampling. Only two algorithms are supported: ``hmc_nuts_diag_e_adapt`` and ``fixed_param``. Sampler parameters can be found in ``httpstan/stan_services.cpp``. """ function = fields.String( required=True, validate=validate.OneOf( ["stan::services::sample::hmc_nuts_diag_e_adapt", "stan::services::sample::fixed_param"] ), ) data = fields.Nested(Data(), missing={}) init = fields.Nested(Data(), missing={}) random_seed = fields.Integer(validate=validate.Range(min=0)) chain = fields.Integer(validate=validate.Range(min=0)) init_radius = fields.Number() num_warmup = fields.Integer(validate=validate.Range(min=0)) num_samples = fields.Integer(validate=validate.Range(min=0)) num_thin = fields.Integer(validate=validate.Range(min=0)) save_warmup = fields.Boolean() refresh = fields.Integer(validate=validate.Range(min=0)) stepsize = fields.Number() stepsize_jitter = fields.Number() max_depth = fields.Integer(validate=validate.Range(min=0)) delta = fields.Number() gamma = fields.Number() kappa = fields.Number() t0 = fields.Number() init_buffer = fields.Integer(validate=validate.Range(min=0)) term_buffer = fields.Integer(validate=validate.Range(min=0)) window = fields.Integer(validate=validate.Range(min=0))
[docs]class Fit(marshmallow.Schema): # e.g., models/15d69926a05591e1/fits/66ff16fc9d25cd29 name = fields.String(required=True)
[docs]class ShowParamsRequest(marshmallow.Schema): data = fields.Nested(Data(), missing={})
[docs]class Parameter(marshmallow.Schema): # noqa """Schema for single parameter.""" name = fields.String(required=True) dims = fields.List(fields.Integer(), required=True) constrained_names = fields.List(fields.String(), required=True)
[docs]class WriterMessage(marshmallow.Schema): """Messages from callback writers and loggers in ``stan::callbacks``. NOTE: You SHOULD NOT use this schema. This schema exists for testing and for documentation. It SHOULD NOT be used to process a large number of JSON messages. Doing so will slow down any program. This schema is intended for messages emitted by C++ classes which inherit from - ``stan/callbacks/writer.hpp``, and - ``stan/callbacks/logger.hpp``. In particular, the schema matches a JSON-based "version" of the CSV-focused ``stan/callbacks/stream_writer.hpp`` and ``stan/callbacks/stream_logger.hpp``. This version is found "inside" the httpstan-specific ``httpstan/socket_writer.hpp`` and ``httpstan/socket_logger.hpp``. `WriterMessage` is a data format for all messages written by the callback writers defined in ``stan::callbacks``. These writers are used by the functions defined in ``stan::services``. For example, ``stan::services::sample::hmc_nuts_diag_e`` uses one logger and three writers: - ``logger`` Logger for informational and error messages - ``init_writer`` Writer callback for unconstrained inits - ``sample_writer`` Writer for draws - ``diagnostic_writer`` Writer for diagnostic information WriterMessage is a format which is flexible enough to accommodate these different uses while still providing a predictable structure. A WriterMessage has a field ``topic`` which provides information about what the WriterMessage concerns or what produced it. For example, the `topic` associated with a WriterMessage written by `sample_writer` in the function is ``sample``. The "content" of a message is stored in the field ``values``. This is either a list or a mapping. """ version = fields.Integer(required=True) topic = fields.String(required=True, validate=validate.OneOf(["logger", "initialization", "sample", "diagnostic"])) # values is either a List or a Mapping. Marshmallow lacks a union type. values = fields.Raw(required=True)
[docs]class ShowLogProbRequest(marshmallow.Schema): """Schema for log_prob request.""" data = fields.Nested(Data(), missing={}) unconstrained_parameters = fields.List(fields.Float(), required=True) adjust_transform = fields.Boolean(missing=True)
[docs]class ShowLogProbGradRequest(marshmallow.Schema): """Schema for log_prob_grad request.""" data = fields.Nested(Data(), missing={}) unconstrained_parameters = fields.List(fields.Float(), required=True) adjust_transform = fields.Boolean(missing=True)
[docs]class ShowWriteArrayRequest(marshmallow.Schema): """Schema for write_array request.""" data = fields.Nested(Data(), missing={}) unconstrained_parameters = fields.List(fields.Float(), required=True) include_tparams = fields.Boolean(missing=True) include_gqs = fields.Boolean(missing=True)
[docs]class ShowTransformInitsRequest(marshmallow.Schema): """Schema for transform_inits request.""" data = fields.Nested(Data(), missing={}) constrained_parameters = fields.Nested(Data(), required=True)